Saturday, March 19, 2011

A stern warning from Obama to Qaddafi

Barack Obama, acting in his capacity as Spectator-in-Chief,  used all the power and majesty of the Oval Office in which he sits to shake his finger at Moammar Gadhafi and threaten to do something really, really nasty if the Libyan dictator didn't behave. Hiding behind the skirts of the United Nations, Obama threatened "all necessary measures" to protect Libyans and said the United States would help set the stage "for the international community to act together." Wow. Gadhafi responded by withdrawing offers of a cease-fire and promptly kicking the cr*** out of the rebels in renewed fighting.
As part of the US response, the USS Bataan Amphibious Ready Group will deploy to the Mediterranean by March 23 (well after all the rebels are likely to become martyrs,)  relieving the USS Kearsarge Amphibious Group. Not to cast aspersions on the fine men and women in those battle groups, who are more than up to the task of taking on any and all trouble, but where are the carriers? As yet another example of the Obama regime's competence, no US carrier group is deployed in the Mediterranean, for the first time since, oh maybe WWII,  despite a revolution in Egypt, civil war in Libya, unrest in Tunisia, Jordan, Yemen, and Iran. 
Gadhafi's  response was to be expected. He knows (they all know) that the Pretender-in-Chief is no Ronald Reagan, who airmailed missiles to Gadhafi's mailbox after the Libyan instigated disco bombing in Germany that killed American servicemen in the 80s. That was about the last we heard of the Libyan Colonel, until this rigmarole.
So after sitting on the sidelines while the Iranian elections were stolen by  I'manutjob, making all the wrong moves and sending the wrong messages on Egypt (and probably losing a valuable ally), NCAA Brackets Obama finally decides to do a little something. A very little. 
The other day I complained that Obama had time to worry about basketball. Sometime I don't know when to shut my mouth.

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